Call for Expressions of Interest from not-for-profit and for-profit organizations to join the HTAi Global Policy Forum
The HTAi Global Policy Forum has opened two (2) vacancies for membership, including one (1) for-profit membership, and one (1) not-for-profit membership.
The Global Policy Forum welcomes Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from organizational members of HTAi who have formal responsibilities within a health care system to make HTA-based decisions and/or provide HTA-based advice on coverage or pricing of health care technologies. EOIs from any country are welcome.
The deadline for receipt of EOIs is 23:59 MT (UTC-7) on Friday, February 3. Please email EOIs to
Final decisions will be made by the HTAi Executive Committee, on the advice of the Global Policy Forum Organizing Committee. The decisions will be communicated to organizations as soon as possible thereafter.
More information
Full details of the EOI submission and review process and criteria are available in the Member Selection Process Guideline.
Questions? Please contact the HTAi Secretariat via email