
Call for Expressions of Interest: PCIG Steering Committee, Coordinator

Jul 4, 2024

The HTAi Patient and Citizen Involvement Interest Group (PCIG) is currently accepting Expressions of Interest for several key positions on its Steering Committee, including Finance Secretary, HTA agency representative, and industry representative from the medical devices/diagnostics sector. Additionally, PCIG invites Expressions of Interest for an E-Bulletin Coordinator position within the group. These roles offer a unique opportunity to actively contribute to strengthen HTA with the systematic incorporation of patient and citizen perspectives.

Expressions of Interest – PCIG Steering Committee

PCIG seeks Expressions of Interest for the following positions to fill vacancies on its Steering Committee:

  • Finance Secretary (manages sponsorships, strong industry connections required)
  • HTA agency representative
  • Industry representative (preferably from a medical devices/diagnostics company)

Please send a CV and cover letter (no more than 200 words) addressing the criteria below to the PCIG Technical Officer, Pierre Net, via email to by 31 July 2024.

  • Able to demonstrate active participation in the field of patient or citizen involvement in health technology assessment;
  • Able to meet the expectations of Steering Committee membership as set out in the Terms of Reference (e.g., commit to take an active role in driving the work of the Interest Group and providing practical assistance to activities undertaken by the group as appropriate); 
  • Represents a stakeholder group and perspective that ensures a balanced Steering Committee composition; and
  • Able to participate in additional HTAi committees, where appropriate.
  • Preference will be given to members who have been active participants in PCIG.

Please note the positions are for a three-year term. All applicants must be a member of HTAi and PCIG. Full details of the role of Steering Committee members can be found in PCIG’s Terms of Reference.

Expressions of Interest – PCIG E-Bulletin Coordinator

PCIG is also seeking Expressions of Interest for a Coordinator to assist with the preparation of our monthly E-Bulletin. Please send a CV and cover letter (no more than 200 words) which describes your interest and experience in preparing newsletters to the PCIG Technical Officer, Pierre Net, via email: by 31 July 2024. All applicants must be a member of HTAi and PCIG.

The Co-Chairs, Fiona Pearce and Aline Silva, are happy to discuss any of the vacancies with interested members.