The PCIG Steering Committee invites Expressions of Interest from those wishing to join the Steering Committee. In particular, PCIG seeks Expressions of Interest for the positions of:
- Co-Chairs
- Vice Chair
The Steering Committee members currently include:
- Ann Single, Chair (Patient Voice Initiative, Australia)
- Neil Bertelsen, Outgoing Chair (nb consulting, Germany)
- Anke-Peggy Holtorf, Project Co-ordinator (Health Outcomes Strategies, Switzerland)
- Todd Stephenson, Financial Secretary (Janssen, Australia)
- Sarah Berglas (CADTH, Canada)
- Ana Toledo Chavarri (Canary Islands Health Service, Spain)
- John Gillespie (Abbott, Asia-Pacific)
- Barry Liden (USC Schaeffer & Patient Voice Advisors, USA)
- Heidi Livingstone (NICE, UK)
- Kate Morgan (Myeloma Patients Europe, UK)
- Aline Silva (Patient Voices Network, Canada)
- Valentina Strammiello (European Patients Forum, Belgium)
Role of Co-Chairs
- Provide leadership to the Interest Group members and Steering Committee.
- Chair the meetings of the Steering Committee and Interest Group.
- Set up the agenda for the Interest Group meetings and Steering Committee meetings.
- Lead the performance evaluation of the Technical Officer.
- Ensure the Interest Group operates in compliance with the Interest Group Policy and Procedure.
- Present the report to the Interest Group members at the Annual Business Meeting.
- Ensure timely development and delivery of meeting materials of the Steering Committee and its circulation five (5) days before the meeting.
- Represent the Interest Group at the HTAi Interest Group Steering Committee (or appoint the Vice-Chair to represent the IG) to ensure Committee continuity and meeting attendance consistency. A Co-Chair (or Vice-Chair) must attend at least three (3) out of four (4) Interest Group Steering Committee meetings a year. If neither Co-Chairs can attend, the Vice-Chair may attend instead.
Role of Vice Chair
- Act as the Vice-Chair of the Interest Group and provide leadership, serve on the Steering Committee.
- Assume the functions and responsibilities for the Co-Chairs in their absence, incapacity, or at the request of the Co-Chairs.
- Exercise such other powers and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Steering Committee.
Applicants should be able to commit to the role for one term (3 years, June 2023-2026).
- Able to demonstrate active participation in the field of patient or citizen involvement in health technology assessment
- Able to meet the expectations of Steering Committee membership as set out in the Terms of References, e.g. commit to take an active role in driving the work of the Interest Group and providing practical assistance to activities undertaken by the group as appropriate and complete a three-year term
- Able to participate in additional HTAi committees
- Preference will be given to those members who have actively participated in the Interest Group. Please note all applicants must be a member of HTAi and PCIG.
To Apply
Please send your CV (no more than 2 pages) and a letter addressing the above criteria to the PCIG Technical Officer, Hadewych Honné, via email: no later than Friday, 9 June 2023. Please note that for Expressions of Interest for non-officer positions (ie a Steering Committee member rather than co-chair or vice) an Expression of Interest should be no longer than 200 words.
For full details of Steering Committee member roles, please see the Terms of Reference (May 2023). The current Chair, Ann Single, is happy to discuss the roles with interested members.