HTAi Interest Groups (IG) are a forum for HTAi members to network, exchange information, and collaborate on projects of mutual interest throughout the year. These projects provide a platform to examine how science, technology, education, and policy are shaping and bridging the future of HTA worldwide.
A proposal for the establishment of a new Interest Group on HTA of Rare Disease Treatments is under development by a diverse collaborator group of HTAi members. At this time, the group is requesting comments on the draft proposal, as well as compiling a list of HTAi members interested in supporting the initiative. To review the draft proposal, or to add your name to the list of interested HTAi members, please contact Karen Facey at
Additionally, a pre-conference workshop on the same topic will be held at the coming HTAi Annual Meeting, in Adelaide, June 24-28, 2023. All interested members are invited to register.
Please note: The draft proposal will be submitted by April 17, 2023. All comments will need to be added prior to this date.