HTAi is dedicated to expanding our ability to mobilize and strengthen the global HTA community.
We are committed to identifying the learning needs of HTA producers and users within the HTAi community, collaborating with teaching centers and academia, and partnering with governmental and non-governmental HTA bodies to develop necessary resources to support learning.
In 2021, the World Health Organization HTA Survey reported that 104 countries globally have a formal and deliberative approach to HTA. As one of the primary roles of HTAi is to advance the HTA field through knowledge production, sharing, and capacity development, HTAi founded the Regional Meeting Series to support the needs of our members in emerging HTA markets.
The HTAi Regional Meeting Series engages local hosts in regions with emerging HTA systems.
All Regional Meetings are registration-based and open to all HTA stakeholders who produce or use HTA (or an adapted version of HTA) to systematically assess a test, device, medicine, vaccine, procedure, program, or system developed to prevent, diagnose, or treat medical conditions; promote health; provide rehabilitation; or organize healthcare delivery.
The HTAi Regional Meeting series encourages participation from all HTA stakeholders who would like to collaborate with interested parties who see value in developing and delivering educational content; discuss locally-relevant HTA topics to further promote the advancement of HTA in the region; and make a positive contribution to the HTA community.

HTAi Middle East and North Africa Regional Meeting

HTA Conference in Kazakhstan

HTAi Latin America Regional Meeting