Newell McElwee is stepping down from the HTAi Policy Forum Advisory Committee (PFAC) due to his recent retirement from Boehringer Ingelheim. HTAi thanks Newell for his dedication to the committee over the past year and wish him all the best.
At this time, HTAi is opening a call for nominations for the HTAi Policy Forum Advisory Committee to fill a For-Profit vacancy. The PFAC is an umbrella committee aligned with the strategic direction of the Society to review the operating models within, and between, the forum series.
The PFAC meets 4 times per year (1.5 hour meetings) via teleconference (Zoom). Alicia Granados currently Chairs this Committee. HTAi Secretariat support includes Alicia Powers (Policy Forum and Events Manager) and Hana Price (Sr. Coordinator, Events).
The term of office for member organization representatives is 3 years. The term can be extended up to a further 3 years, for a 6-year term maximum. Please send nominations to no later than Friday, December 16.
Nominations are reviewed by the PFAC with the support of the HTAi Secretariat. Please see the Policy Forum Advisory Committee terms of reference for more information. If you have any queries about this role, please contact the Secretariat at