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HTAi Policy Forum Updates
2023 Global Policy Forum
The Global Policy Forum was held March 26 – 28, 2023, at the Hilton Hotel, The Hague, the Netherlands. Thank you to the 84 attendees, speakers, Board members and staff who contributed to the event. A very special thank-you goes to Global Policy Forum Chair, Dan Ollendorf and Scientific Secretary, Rebecca Trowman for their tremendous efforts.
2023 Asia Policy Forum Topic Announcement
The 2023 Asia Policy Forum will be held November 1-3, 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan. The topic of the meeting is Being Bold: How HTA can Foster Innovation in the Asia Region.
HTAi Educational Scholarship Deadline is May 1
The Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Educational Scholarship Program provides funding support for individuals studying or working in the healthcare field in low- or middle-income countries to advance their knowledge and skills directly related to health technology assessment (HTA). By providing financial assistance to complete educational programs or training in HTA for the purpose of applying their knowledge and skills in their country of origin, HTAi advances its mission of promoting the development, communication, understanding, and use of HTA around the world.
A total of $20,000 CAD is available for the HTAi Educational Scholarship program each fiscal year.
To apply, please review the procedures, fill out the application form, and submit the form as per instructions included at the end of the application form.
Scholarship applications are due May 1, 2022.
HTAi Board Election Closes on May 2
Only a few days remain to cast your vote for the 2023 Board of Directors Election!
The HTAi Board of Directors makes important decisions that shape the organization’s future and provide critical guidance and oversight by determining and monitoring the Society’s strategic direction. Participation in the HTAi Board Election is a key duty for members, and one that makes a significant impact on the future and success of the organization. To view the 2023 Board of Directors candidates, including their application, bio, and qualifications, and to review the Board criteria, click here.
For all questions regarding the 2023 Board of Directors Election, please contact boardelections@htai.
The 2023 Board Election will close on May 2, 2023 at 23:59 MDT.
The HTAi Educational Offers Database
The HTAi Educational Offers Database is a free online tool for HTAi members and non-members to collect educational and training programs that are being offered globally in the field of Health Technology Assessment. The Educational Offers Database is targeted to individuals who wish to search for specific HTA courses or programs around the world, and academic institutions and education or training providers who would like to showcase their HTA course or program. The Database is the result of projects executed by the HTAi Scientific Development and Capacity Building Committee. Currently, the Database is limited to Master programs (M.Sc.) in HTA but will be soon expanded to include other educational offers.
Visit the Educational Offers Database
Registration is required to access the Database. Once registered, users will be able to search the Database and add new courses by filling in a specific online form. HTAi members will have full access to the Database once verified, while non-members will be able to view a limited selection.
For questions or support, please email
Updates from the HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting
Standard registration rates for the HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting now apply.
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting will introduce hundreds of presentations over five days to promote the development, understanding, and use of HTA around the world as a means of fostering innovation and effective use of resources in health care. The presentations include a keynote and three plenaries that will explore various aspects of the event’s overall theme, the Road to Policy and Clinical Integration for health technologies. The Meeting will take place in Adelaide, Australia, from June 24 to 28, 2023.
Recent Additions
The 2023 Annual Meeting website is updated weekly with new information! Take a look at the latest updates:
Register for the Conference Dinner
The Conference Dinner is one of the Annual Meeting’s most popular networking events— tickets often sell out!
The 2023 Annual Meeting Conference Dinner will take place on Tuesday, June 27. Registration for the dinner is currently waitlist-only. If you would like to attend the Annual Meeting Conference Dinner, you can add your name to the waitlist through the Annual Meeting Registration link.
2023 Annual Meeting Workshop Feature
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting offers a variety of workshops designed to share innovative experiences and practices, and to provide learning opportunities for participants. The half or full-day events include interactive activities and focus on developing participants’ skills.
For the next few months, each issue of the HTAi Review will feature a workshop spotlight, aimed to help HTAi members learn about available opportunities. Registration is open for each of these workshops, which can be included as part of the Annual Meeting registration, or can be attended on their own. Learn more
WS04 –Automation tools to improve the speed of conducting systematic reviews
Date & Time: Saturday, June 24 | 8:30AM to 12:00PM
Presenters: Justin Clark
Summary: To improve speed and quality, methodological innovations and automation tools have emerged to support many steps in the production of systematic reviews. We propose the following workshop which provides on overview of the tools developed at the IEBH that make up the suite of tools known as the Systematic Review Accelerator (SRA).
WS05 – Patient and Citizen Involvement in Health Technology Assessment
Date & Time: Saturday, June 24 | 8:30AM to 16:30PM
Presenters: Ann Single, Anke Peggy Holtorf , Eunice Low, David Chandler, Sally Wortley, Janney Wale, Barry Liden, Ana Toledo Chavarri, Heidi Livingstone, Kate Morgan, Todd Stephenson
Summary: This workshop, led by the HTAi Patient and Citizen Involvement Interest Group (PCIG) begins with an introduction to key concepts, methods and approaches to patient involvement followed by a deeper exploration of key areas for harmonisation activities such as: training and capacity building; integrating patient preferences in HTA; valuing patient and public produced evidence, defining patient-centric HTA and measuring impact.
WS10 – The Road to Policy and Clinical Integration in Genomic Medicine, Advanced Diagnostics & Advanced Therapeutic Products
Date & Time: Saturday, June 24 | 13:00PM – 16:30PM
Presenters: Richard Charter
Summary: Advanced Diagnostics & Therapeutics can revolutionize healthcare. However, the HTA of such technologies requires unique considerations.
WS12 – A Workshop to Learn About “Why” And “How” To Assess The Impacts Of Health Technology Assessment
Date & Time: Sunday, June 25 | 8:30AM to 12:00PM
Presenters: Charlotte Pelekanou, Sylvie Bouchard, Grace Li-Ying Huang, Erni Zurina Romli
Summary: Many HTA agencies evaluate the impact of their HTA reports, both to improve the internal production of HTA and the external use of the reports in decision making. This workshop will share approaches to conceptualizing and measuring HTA impact. Facilitated by senior practitioners at INAHTA member agencies, this session will include case study analysis to assess HTA impact.
Important Annual Meeting Dates:
- Standard registration deadline: Thursday, June 15, 2023 at Midnight MDT (UTC-6)
- Last-minute registration: Friday, June 16 to Wednesday, June 28, 2023
- HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting Workshops: June 24 – 25, 2023
- HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting: June 24-28, 2023
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting is supported by:
A Look Back
- HTAi’s Manager of Scientific Initiatives, Antonio Migliore, and Coordinator of Scientific Initiatives, Nicola Vicari, attended the i-HTS Spring Scientific Meeting 2023 on April 18 & 19, 2023, in Brussels. i-HTS hosted the meeting in the facilities of the Delegation of the Basque Country for the European Union.
- HTAi Board President, Wija Oortwijn, participated as a panelist at the TOPRA Innovation Summit on April 19 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The panel was called Patient Access to Innovation.
- The HTAi RWE-AI Interest Group held its quarterly meeting and webinar on April 27. The webinar, AI-Augmented HTA Submissions and Decisions: Evolving Trends and Real-World Use Cases, is available on-demand here.
Network News
International Scientific Congress hosted by Bellberry
Bellberry Ltd is celebrating 20 years of supporting research and ethics, and as part of this important work, we are hosting an International Scientific Congress in Adelaide on Friday 23 June 2023.
Entitled ‘Toward a Coordinated Approach for Managing Accelerated Patient Access to Promising Medicines’ this Congress will include a presentation of the issues and a discussion on the options for managing these challenges. Accelerated access and balancing the various stakeholder perspectives are important and growing issues in the global health sector.
A 2.5 day Workshop will be run prior to the Congress, where an international panel of experts will develop a proposed framework, with governance of this process provided by a Scientific Advisory Committee chaired by Professor Emeritus Lloyd Sansom AO. Confirmed attendees include representatives from:
- Australian Government Department of Health
- CADTH – Canada’s Drug and Health Technology Agency
- EMA – European Medicines Agency
- EUNetHTA – European Network of Health Technology Assessment
- Health Canada
- IQWIQ – Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, Germany
- Medicines Australia
- NHMRC – National Health and Medical Research Council
- NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- OHE – Office of Health Economics, UK
- PBAC – Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee
- PMDA – Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan
- TGA – Therapeutic Goods Administration
More information is available here.
HB-HTA Interest Group Survey
The HB-HTA Interest Group of the HTAi (Health Technology Assessment International) launch a survey to define the current scenario of the Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment (HB-HTA) at global level. The aim is to collect data on current HB-HTA activities but also on the perception of the role, potentialities, and barriers for HB-HTA at the international level. Therefore, our survey’s recipients are both hospitals performing HTA (20-25 min survey), hospitals not performing HTA activities (10 min), and national or regional or local policy makers, HTA agencies included (10 min).
To access to the survey click here. The survey is open to all, members and not members of HTAi. Please, provide your response by Monday May 15, 2023.
Results will be discussed during the HTAi Annual Meeting in June 2023 and published. We invite you to contribute to the survey and to share this initiative with your colleagues.
If you need further information, please contact:
HTA News from Around the World
From CADTH, ICER, and NICE: CADTH, Canada’s drug and health technology agency, in collaboration with the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) in the US and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England, has announced a position statement on redacting clinical data awaiting publication. Read more
From the WHO: The World Health Organization (WHO) has appointed five new senior figures to its headquarters leadership team in Geneva to drive its strategic direction and initiatives. Read more
From Australia: The Australia Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review has opened Consultation 1 to gather evidence or examples in relation to the objectives of the HTA Review, not previously considered through other recent stakeholder consultation relating to HTA. Read more
From the Bulletin Board
If you have an open position you’d like to share with the HTAi membership, please contact
IJTAHC Featured Publications
- Patient preferences do matter: a discrete choice experiment conducted with breast cancer patients in six European countries, with latent class analysis. Read more
- Clinical effectiveness reporting of novel cancer drugs in the context of non-proportional hazards: a review of NICE single technology appraisals. Read more
- Regulatory, health technology assessment and company interactions: the current landscape and future ecosystem for drug development, review and reimbursement. Read more
Important Upcoming Dates
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HTAi Board of Directors Election Closes
The 2023 HTAi Board of Directors Election opens at 08:00 MDT (UTC -6) on March 30, 2023; and closes at 23:59 MDT (UTC -6) on May 2, 2023.
76th World Health Assembly
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the …
Advancing access to innovative cancer care, hosted by MSD and London Global Cancer Week
Adjacent to the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva, HTAi Board Director Jani Mueller will participate in a panel hosted by MSD and London Global Cancer Week, Advancing access to …
Advancing access to innovative cancer care, hosted by MSD and London Global Cancer Week Read More »
HTAi Board of Directors Meeting
HTAi Board of Directors Meeting

Webinar: A Framework for Characterizing Impact of Patient Involvement in HTA
Come join us as HTAi’s Patient and Citizen Involvement in HTA Interest Group (PCIG) proposes a framework for reporting on the impact of patient involvement in HTA. A common framework …
Webinar: A Framework for Characterizing Impact of Patient Involvement in HTA Read More »

Webinar: Finding search filters for study designs: using the ISSG Search Filter Resource
On June 1, 2023, join the HTAi Information Retrieval Interest Group for an engaging and insightful webinar, “Finding search filters for study designs: using the ISSG Search Filter Resource”. The …
Webinar: Finding search filters for study designs: using the ISSG Search Filter Resource Read More »

Public Meeting: International Scientific Congress hosted by Bellberry
Bellberry Ltd is celebrating 20 years of supporting research and ethics, and as part of this important work, we are hosting an International Scientific Congress in Adelaide on Friday 23 June 2023. …
Public Meeting: International Scientific Congress hosted by Bellberry Read More »
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting in Adelaide, Australia
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting is scheduled for June 24-28, 2023 in Adelaide, Australia. The in-person meeting will bring together global HTA stakeholders to discuss and debate the role of …
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting in Adelaide, Australia Read More »
2023 Latin America Policy Forum
SantiagoLearn about the Latin America Policy Forum.
2023 Asia Policy Forum
TaipeiLearn about the Asia Policy Forum.