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Breaking News
Introducing your HTAi 2023-2024 Board of Directors
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Members was held in Adelaide, Australia on June 28, 2023. The 2023-2024 Board of Directors was announced at the meeting, including the following new and/or re-elected representatives:
- Rabia Sucu, President | Ukraine, Türkiye
- Ann Single, Vice President | Australia
- Wija Oortwijn, Past President | Netherlands
- Ken Bond, Director | Canada
- Grace Huang, Director | Taiwan
- Eva Turk, Director | Austria
Please join us in welcoming the 2023-2024 HTAi Board of Directors!
Interest Group Organizational Announcements
The Patients and Citizens Involvement Interest Group introduces the a new Co-Chairs, a new Vice Chair, and a new Steering Committee Member:
- Dr. Aline Silva, Co-Chair | Canada
- Fiona Pearce, Co-Chair | Singapore
- Zal Press, Vice Chair | Canada
- Catherine Koola, Steering Committee Member | United States of America
The Public Health Interest Group introduces two new Co-Chairs:
- Assoc. Prof. Chiara de Waure, Co-Chair | Italy
- Dr. Lucinda Gabriel, Co-Chair | United Kingdom
Call for Applications: HTAi Policy Forum Advisory Committee Chair
HTAi has opened calls for applications for Chair of the HTAi Policy Forum Advisory Committee (PFAC).
The HTAi Policy Forum Advisory Committee (PFAC) is an umbrella committee aligned with the strategic direction of the Society to review the operating models within and between the Forum Series, to ensure consistency and efficiency across the Fora, to review the impact, longevity and to respond to queries raised by the members, to provide clear direction on the Series, with an ultimate objective of supporting the overall sustainability for the Fora and the Society.
The current Chair’s term of office ends in December 2023 and HTAi is now seeking to appoint a skilled and experienced Chair for the term of September 1, 2023 – December 31, 2025.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Chair
Working closely with the HTAi Secretariat, in accordance with clearly documented and agreed administrative processes and timelines, the Chair will:
- Provide active leadership of the Policy Forum Advisory Committee by chairing quarterly meetings, and other meetings as required. The Chair will focus the Committee work on the strategic direction of the Society in accordance with the 2020 – 2025 Strategic Plan and with the Terms of Reference of the Committee and develop innovative ways to ensure consistency and efficiency across the Policy Forum Series.
- Steer the content of the PFAC meetings, working closely with the HTAi Secretariat to guide the development of meeting agendas and supporting materials. The Chair is responsible for signing off on materials before they are circulated to the committee members.
- Review and contribute to the regular Committee reports to the Board (four times a year).
- Develop strong working relationships with the Policy Forum Chairs.
- Following appointment, work closely with the current Chair from September – December 2021 to develop an understanding of the work of the Forum Series and the activities that support them.
NOTE: The Chair-elect will attend the remaining 2023 PFAC meetings as Co-Chair (Sept. & Dec.) then take the lead in the development of meeting content and Chairing of meetings.
Application closing date is August 4, 2023. Click the button below for information on eligibility and how to apply.
Learn more about the position
Learn more about the HTAi Board of Directors
Learn more about HTAi Interest Groups
Call for Applications: Rare Diseases Interest Group Technical Officer
The emerging Rare Diseases Interest Group (RDIG) is looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic individual who is willing to provide one to two days a month to support their Chair(s) and Steering Committee as a Technical Officer (TO), from now to December 2023.
Examples of responsibilities include defining agendas, setting calls and taking minutes, writing reports, supporting project work and scientific papers, drafting press releases and other similar activities.
About the RDIG
The RDIG will explore how evidence generation for HTA can be improved in rare diseases (RDs) and how HTA processes can account for the complexities that arise in the determination of value for health technologies in RD populations.
The aims of the RDIG are to:
- Develop awareness of the specific challenges associated with studying rare disease populations, not just in terms of small populations, but in understanding natural history and disease progression, paucity of knowledge about optimal endpoints given complex disease manifestations in diseases that are often chronic and implications of studying diseases that predominantly have childhood onset and are genetic, etc.
- Share good practices in generation and interpretation of evidence in RD populations for HTA purposes.
- Explore how HTA (assessment and appraisal) processes can consider wider aspects of value in RD populations within the context of fairness to society, setting new standards for HTA in RDs.
How to Apply
If you would like to apply, please complete and submit the HTAi Technical Officer Application Form along with your CV to by Thursday, July 20, 2023.
The successful candidate will be notified by the end of July. Please note that you must be an HTAi member in good standing to apply for this position. If you have not renewed your membership for 2023, you can do so here.
Please direct all questions to
Educational Offers Database
The Educational Offers Database is growing! The database now has more than 250 active users and 8 Masters courses available.
About the Educations Offers Database
The HTAi Educational Offers Database is a free online tool for HTAi members and non-members to collect educational and training programs that are being offered globally in the field of Health Technology Assessment. The Educational Offers Database is targeted to individuals who wish to search for specific HTA courses or programs around the world, and academic institutions and education or training providers who would like to showcase their HTA course or program.
The Database is the result of projects executed by the HTAi Scientific Development and Capacity Building Committee.
Currently, the Database is limited to Master programs (M.Sc.) in HTA but will be soon expanded to include other educational offers.
Registration is required to access the Database. Once registered, users will be able to search the Database and add new courses by filling in a specific online form. HTAi members will have full access to the Database once verified, while non-members will be able to view a limited selection.
A Newcomer’s Guide to HTA
As a part of its program for capacity building, HTAi wants to provide guidance to those approaching Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for the first time (we will refer to them as “newcomers to HTA”).
The resources included were developed and collected with the main aim to provide guidance to navigate within the HTA universe, spanning from general introduction to methods and processes.
The resources have been developed in an understandable text for newcomers and link to other sources which are already existing, such as proceedings, guidelines, scientific articles, handbooks. The resources alone do not aim to train for the production of an HTA report but provide a basic understanding of HTA, its tools, methods, and products. To successfully work in the HTA field, newcomers shall follow further specific training and consider specific guidelines.
Two downloads are currently available:
- HTA 101: Essential Information for Newcomers
- Research Protocol Writing in HTA
Click the button below to learn more about the resources and contributions.
A Look Back
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting
Thank you for a successful Annual Meeting!
The HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting was held in Adelaide, Australia, June 24-28. Over 700 delegates from 42 countries attended the 5-day event, which include two days of pre-conference workshops and three days of the conference presentations. Thank you to all of our Annual Meeting delegates who joined us for five days of fantastic presentations and energetic collaboration. Your participation is what makes the HTAi Annual Meeting a hallmark event in the global HTA community.
Thank you to all of the spectacular Annual Meeting Speakers, whose insight and expertise sparked conversations and ideas throughout the conference. We look forward to seeing the work that results from this year’s Meeting!
A special thank-you goes to all of the 2023 Annual Meeting volunteers and local organizing groups, whose dedication helps make the Annual Meeting such a fantastic event. Between reviewing abstract submissions, bridging connections, and providing on-site assistance, Annual Meeting volunteers put countless hours into supporting the Annual Meeting behind the scenes.
And finally, thank you to all of our Annual Meeting Sponsors. A conference of this magnitude would not be possible without your steadfast support, and HTAi is grateful to have worked with you throughout the past year.
Want a recap of the 2023 Annual Meeting? Click the button below!
Thank you to our outgoing HTAi Board Members!
With our deepest gratitude, HTAi thanks the outgoing HTAi Board members for their commitment to the Society and their leadership while serving on the Board.
We would like to give a special thank-you to Dr. Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea for his contributions and commitment over the past nine years, first as a Board Director, then later as Vice President, President, and Past President!
Network News
HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting – Save the Date!
Mark your calendars: the HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting is heading to Seville, Spain! HTAi is teaming with AETSA to deliver five days of inspiring presentations and collaboration, June 15-19, 2024.
Discussions will surround the main theme, A Turning Point for HTA? Sustainability, Networks and Innovation.
HTAi Policy Forum
The Scientific Secretaries from all three HTAi Policy Forums are extending their Scientific Secretary terms.
Global Policy Forum Scientific Secretary, Rebecca Trowman; Asia Policy Forum Scientific Secretary, Linda Mundy; and Latin America Policy Forum Scientific Secretary, Andrés Pichon-Riviere/IECS, will remain on their respective projects from 2024 – 2025.
HTA News from Around the World
From the European Commission: The European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) is planning to launch a call for tender purchase training services in the field of Health Technology Assessment (HTA), to ensure HTA agencies consolidate their knowledge and experience on joint HTA work. Read more
From Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care: Expressions of interest for in-depth (deep-dive) discussions on the HTA Review is currently open and will close on 1 September 2023. Read more
From HITAP: Five leading agencies collaborate to promote Early HTA for development a of medical and healthcare innovations in Thailand. Read more
From ICER: The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has announced the creation of a Patient Council to advise on ICER’s patient engagement strategy, outreach, and process for input into drug reviews and broader initiatives. Read more
From the Bulletin Board
If you have an open position you’d like to share with the HTAi membership, please contact
IJTAHC Featured Publications
- Appropriateness of strategy comparisons in cost-effectiveness analyses of infant pneumococcal vaccination: a systematic review. Read more
- Early access schemes for innovative health technologies: the view of international stakeholders. Read more
- Deliberative processes in health technology assessment: the case of Spain. Read more
Important Upcoming Dates
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2023 Latin America Policy Forum
SantiagoLearn about the Latin America Policy Forum.
2023 Asia Policy Forum
TaipeiLearn about the Asia Policy Forum.
2024 Global Policy Forum
San Diego, USASan Diego, CA
Learn about the Global Policy Forum

HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting
Over the past few years, the healthcare sector has undergone significant changes. Digital health solutions, personalized medicine, AI, nanotechnology, bioprinting, Big Data, and Multi-Omics are only a few examples of …