
HTAi Review | November 3, 2023

Nov 4, 2023

Your biweekly news source for all things Health Technology Assessment international

Breaking News 

Announcing the HTAi Rare Diseases Interest Group

The HTAi Board of Directors has established a new HTAi Interest Group on Rare Diseases!

The HTAi Rare Diseases Interest Group is a service to members who have interest in HTA of health technologies for rare diseases. This Interest Group is dedicated to sharing good practices in evidence generation for rare disease technologies (RDTs), fair assessment processes that take account of the feasibility of evidence generation and appraisal processes that take account of the burden of rare diseases on patients and society when determining value.

Keep your eyes on the HTAi social media accounts and your inbox for upcoming information and announcements from the HTAi Rare Diseases Interest Group! 

Global Policy Forum Opens Call for Not-for-profit Member

The HTAi Global Policy Forum invites applications to fill a single vacancy reserved for a not-for-profit member.

We welcome Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from not-for-profit organizational members of HTAi who hold formal responsibilities within a health care system to make HTA-based decisions and/or provide HTA-based advice on coverage or pricing of health care technologies. EOIs from any country are welcome.

The deadline for receipt of EOIs is November 17, 2023. Please send all EOIs via email to

Final decisions will be made by the HTAi Executive Committee, on the advice of the Global Policy Forum Organizing Committee, and will be communicated to organizations thereafter.

Learn More and Apply

Submit Your HTAi 2024 Oral and Poster Abstracts Until December 7!

The HTAi Annual Meeting is a key international gathering for sharing cutting-edge research, advancing discussions in policy and methods, and building global networks. The HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting will unite the global HTA community for dynamic discussions and debates on the future of health technology assessment worldwide. Focused on the central theme, “A Turning Point for HTA? Sustainability, Networks, and Innovation,” this year’s Annual Meeting promises to be a pivotal moment in shaping the course of healthcare assessment practices.

HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting Abstract submissions are open for Orals and Posters until December 7, 2023 at 23:59 MST (UTC -7). 

Abstract submission guidelines are available on the 2024 Annual Meeting website. Annual Meeting abstracts undergo a meticulous review process to maintain the elevated standard of presentations to which our attendees have grown accustomed. The 2024 submission guidelines have changed. Please carefully and thoroughly read the updated guidelines to maximize your abstract’s potential for success.

Before submitting, get to know the 2024 Annual Meeting main theme and plenary themes

Submit an Abstract

Participation Grants Submissions Are Open! 

HTAi offers Participation Grants (former Travel Grants) to support HTA stakeholders who would otherwise not be able to attend the HTAi Annual Meeting for the purpose of contributing their expertise, presenting their work or otherwise benefitting from participation in the global HTA community. These grants are funded directly by HTAi and in some cases, are sponsored by external parties on an unconditional basis.

Participation Grant application submissions are open now. Please carefully and thoroughly read the 2024 Participation Grant submission guidelines before submitting your application. Please note:  Participation Grant submissions close December 7, 2023 at 23:59 MST (UTC -7)

Learn More and Apply

Seville: A Living Tapestry 

Seville, known as Sevilla in Spanish, is the capital and largest city of Andalusia, located in southern Spain. With a rich historical and cultural heritage, Seville offers a captivating experience for visitors. The city is known for its celebrations and festivals; its storied past and vibrant present; its Flamenco and Tapas.

For all its important monuments and fascinating history, Sevilla is universally famous for being a joyous town. While the Sevillians are known for their wit and sparkle, the city itself is striking for its vitality.

Book your accommodation today

We can’t wait to see you in Seville in June! Are you prepared for your stay? 

The HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting will be held at the Seville International Convention Centre, part of Barceló Sevilla Renacimiento. The venue. is emblematic of the city for its architecture and design, is located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River and a central hub from which all parts of the city are easily accessible. The hotel has 295 spacious and bright rooms have been renovated, becoming the perfect accommodation for the 2024 Annual Meeting. The booking window for guests attending the Annual Meeting closes  May 2, 2023.

Learn About Seville

Book Accommodations

Enhance Your Organization’s Presence within the HTA Community

Every year, the world’s leading experts in HTA convene at the HTAi Annual Meeting. This gathering serves as a dynamic platform for collaboration, participation, and the exchange of knowledge, all aimed at advancing global healthcare. This influential community comprises researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, academics, healthcare providers, agencies, and patients, all of whom constitute HTAi’s esteemed membership. The Annual Meeting represents a unique opportunity to actively shape the future landscape of HTA on a global scale.

Sponsors play a pivotal role in HTAi. Sponsor support ensures the continuation of international dialogues, such as the Annual Meeting. Annual Meeting sponsors gain significant visibility with the foremost global HTA leaders. This offers a valuable chance to establish meaningful connections with the diverse array of attendees. Sponsors also enjoy exclusive access and opportunities to engage one-on-one with delegates, collaborate directly with industry leaders, and actively participate in discussions encompassing the past, current, and future state of HTA around the world. The HTAi Annual Meeting is an intimate gathering that places sponsors’ organizations directly in front of those who are changing healthcare on a global scale.

HTAi is committed to nurturing unique and mutually beneficial relationships with each supporter and partner, ensuring that they find enduring value in the support they provide. For-profit and not-for-profit sponsorship opportunities are currently available. Are you looking for a unique way to get involved? Check out the our customizable opportunities to connect and engage! 

If you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity for your organization or an organization you know, please contact the Annual Meeting team

Become a Sponsor

Updates on Candidate Search for HTAi Executive Director

HTAi is seeking qualified candidates to fill the role of Executive Director. The HTAi Executive Director Transition Search Committee has contracted executive search and leadership consultants Odgers Berntson to manage the recruitment process for HTAi’s next Executive Director. 

Details on the position are available here. 

All inquiries, referrals, or requests concerning the HTAi Executive Director position will be directed to the Odgers Berntson team.

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The HTAi Asia Policy Forum heads to Taipei, Taiwan

The HTAi 2023 Asia Policy Forum will take place November 1-3, 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan. Conversations will center around the meeting’s theme, “Being Bold: How HTA can Foster Innovation in the Asia Region.”

Information on the Asia Policy Forum, as well as past background papers and published articles, are available via the link below. 

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Realize the Full Potential of HTAi Membership

HTAi is the only global society championing equitable, responsive, and cutting-edge HTA. Membership opens doors to unparalleled access to top HTA leaders and experts. This exclusive opportunity to connect and collaborate with the best in the field is a unique privilege reserved for HTAi members, providing a platform for growth and influence in the HTA community. HTAi members can actively participate in specialized interest groups, expanding networks among HTA experts. These groups offer opportunities to work on projects that align precisely with individual areas of interest, creating valuable connections and opportunities for professional development.

HTAi membership also brings complimentary access to the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, a valuable resource for staying informed about the latest research and developments in HTA. Moreover, members enjoy access to a wealth of high-quality resources, engaging webinars, and full access to the HTAi Educational Offers Database to stay at the forefront of this dynamic field.

HTAi memberships are valid January – December each year, which means membership renewal season is upon us!

Organizational members can now renew HTAi memberships for 2024. Organizational membership administrators can access the renewal system through our organizational membership page

Individual members will begin receiving renewal notices before the end of 2023. 

Renew your Membership

HTAi Awards Celebrating Excellence in HTA: The David Banta and Sigrid Droste Awards

HTAi Awards recognize individuals who have made important and lasting impacts to the field of HTA over the course of their career. Nominations for two Awards open now open.

The David Banta Award

The David Banta Distinguished Career Award was established in 2012 And is named after its inaugural winner, Mr. David Banta. David Banta had a truly significant impact on the establishment and development of health technology assessment (HTA). Under his leadership, from 1975 to 1982, the Health Program of the US Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) played a leading role in establishing the highly influential field and methods of HTA. 

These projects were instrumental in establishing a formal basis for HTA collaboration in Europe and a spirit of cooperation that has endured into the present. In addition, David Banta was one of the founders of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, HTAi’s predecessor Society. He edited the HTAi’s newsletter for more than 10 years, participated in establishing HTAi, and was a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care.

The David Banta Award recognizes those individuals who have made outstanding and lasting contributions over their careers (over 25 years) in advancing the development and use of HTA internationally (in over 5 countries).

Recipients have demonstrated significant dedication to and impact on the field of HTA at the international level, including outstanding contributions to the science and methodology of HTA and leadership in the advancement of the production and use of HTA to support evidence-informed decisions making in health systems. These individuals have also been extensively involved in the work of HTAi.


The Sigrid Droste Ethics Award

The Sigrid Droste Ethics Award was established in memory of Sigrid Droste. Sigrid came from an initial background in Medical Geography and Cartography and found her way through medical information retrieval to Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

Being chronically ill herself, the problems of translating evidence into everyday patient care were her daily necessity. This led to her main interest in the ethics of HTA, where she achieved a high level of expertise. In her last 13 years, Sigrid worked as a senior research associate at the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), the German HTA body.

The Sigrid Droste Ethics Award recognizes Society members in good standing who are making or have made important contributions in ethics in HTA. 

Due to the significance of these awards, they will only be given in years when a suitable nominee(s) fulfills the Award’s eligibility criteria and is nominated by an HTAi member in good standing.

Nomination submission for the Sigrid Droste Award and David Banta Award will close December 15, 2023. 

Submit a Nomination

A Look Back

The HTAi 2023 Asia Policy Forum

The HTAi 2023 Asia Policy Forum was held November 1-3, 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan. Conversations centered around the meeting’s theme, “Being Bold: How HTA can Foster Innovation in the Asia Region.”

The 2023 Background Paper is available here.

Thank you!

Thank you to all Asia Policy Forum attendees for great discussions! HTAi shares a special thank-you to Asia Policy Forum Chair and Scientific Secretary, Guy Maddern and Linda Mundy, for their continued support and dedication, ensuring the Forum is a success! 

XVI SIHTA National Congress 2023

More than 500 attendees gathered in Rome on October 24-26, 2023 for the XVI SIHTA National Congress 2023. The meeting featured three days of events and approximately 170 speakers/moderators throughout four plenary sessions, 17 parallel sessions, six oral presentations, and 4 training courses.

HTAi was represented by Board Director Debjani Mueller, who was invited for a speech during the Parallel Session on “HTA in Healthcare 4.0”. HTAi Scientific Initiatives Coordinator, Nicola Vicari, was also in attendance. HTA has become a popular topic in Italy, thanks to the new and recently announced National Program on HTA for medical devices. The program will start in the coming months. The new National Program on HTA for medical devices will be aligned with the new EU HTA regulation, presenting an opportunity at a both national and international levels to address the needs of all HTA stakeholders. HTAi representation at events like the SIHTA National Congress 2023 provides an opportunity for HTAi to strengthen its connections with regional HTA organizations and the global HTA community. View an interview with Debjani Mueller below.  

More information on the XVI SIHTA National Congress 2023 is available here

Network News

AGENAS Presents the Italian National Health Technology Assessment Programme for Medical Devices (PNHTA 2023-2025)
AGENAS introduces the Italian National Health Technology Assessment Program for Medical Devices (PNHTA 2023-2025) with the Italian Ministry of Health to enable productive collaboration between Italian regions and autonomous provinces for effective medical device governance. 

AGENAS has organized a one-day event for the Italian HTA community and its stakeholders to facilitate seamless and collaborative implementation of the National Health Technology Assessment Program for Medical Devices, 2023-2025.

The event will be held on November 15, 2023 at 10:00 CET (UTC +1), at the Sala Auditorium of the Ministry of Health in via Lungotevere Ripa, 1 – Rome.

The new National HTA Program 2023-2025 was developed to support the creation of a new governance model for medical devices in the National Health Service, and is based on two essential principles:

  • The use of HTA at all decision-making levels of our National Health Service in an integrated manner, avoiding duplication and initiating a process of system-wide enhancement of the potential benefits of HTA;
  • The use of HTA at all stages of a technology’s lifecycle, from the moment of its development in the various research and development phases to its introduction on the market and then to the moment of its obsolescence.

AGENAS invites the HTAi community to attend the conference on Youtube (broadcast both in Italian and English). More details are available here.

Call for Participation in Patient Involvement (PI) in LMIC Working Group ProjectsDebjani Mueller (Chair of the Developing Countries Interest Group) and Anke-Peggy Holtorf (Project Coordinator of PCIG) are seeking interested HTAi members from HTA agencies, patient organizations, industry, researchers, or other affiliations and backgrounds to continue the work related to patient and citizen involvement in HTA or healthcare decision-making in Low- and Middle-Income countries. The work will examine the collective experiences of LMICs from around the world and reflect on what works well, what the challenges are and how they can be overcome, and what opportunities may be unique in the LMIC context.To bring this work forward, online workshops are planned on these topics in January/February 2023 and an in-person workshop at the upcoming HTAi annual conference. If you would like to participate in this initiative, please send an e-mail with an expression of interest, a short bio, and your contact details.

Survey on Early HTA and Related Terminology
The HTAi Early HTA Working Group is seeking participation in a Delphi survey on the terminology associated with early HTA.

The Working Group invites HTAi members to complete the survey and circulate it throughout your networks to ensure it reaches a wide range of audiences, including academia, HTA agencies, health service providers, consultants, and industry. The survey closes November 24, 2023. Take the survey 

HTA News from Around the World

From the European Commission:  An updated rolling plan on HTA regulations now available. Read more

From Health Technology Wales: Advice on Health Technologies bulletin published to support decision making on health technologies within NHS Wales. Read more

From the Australian Government: The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has published two papers to support HTA review: Read more

From NICE: NICE has launched its refreshed support service for the life sciences sector, NICE Advice. Read more

From the Bulletin Board

If you have an open position you’d like to share with the HTAi membership, please contact

Executive Director
HTAi is seeking qualified candidates to fill the role of Executive Director. The HTAi Executive Director Transition Search Committee has contracted executive search and leadership consultants Odgers Berntson to manage the recruitment process. Details on the position are available here. 

Project Coordinator, Annual Meetings (remote, full time)
HTAi is seeking a self-motivated, organized individual to coordinate all aspects of the Annual Meeting. The successful candidate must be able to support and collaborate across multiple teams in multiple countries and demonstrate fluency in English and Spanish. This is a 21-month contract position.  Apply now

IJTAHC Featured Publications

  • Health technology assessment (HTA) readiness in Uganda: stakeholder’s perceptions on the potential application of HTA to support national universal health coverage efforts. Read more
  • International overview of health technology assessment training tools and materials for patients and consumers. Read more
  • Closing the loop between horizon scanning and health technology assessment – an overview of topics submitted for appraisal in England. Read more

Important Upcoming Dates

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HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting


Over the past few years, the healthcare sector has undergone significant changes. Digital health solutions, personalized medicine, AI, nanotechnology, bioprinting, Big Data, and Multi-Omics are only a few examples of new technologies and innovations that have been acknowledged as potentially disruptive. These developments have created novel challenges for HTA agencies and, more than ever, their assessment will require a wide multiplicity of expertise. HTA collaborative networks are uniquely placed to provide links between methodologists, patients, payers, clinicians, regulators, innovators, and policymakers to maximize synergies and explore opportunities to tackle emerging challenges for the health and wellbeing of people, of our …

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