IJTAHC: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care

As the official academic journal of HTAi, IJTAHC is a forum for sharing ideas, opinions, and activities with members of the international health technology assessment community.

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IJTAHC aims to reach a diverse audience, including health care developers/ innovators, providers, decision-makers, and researchers involved in the assessment of medical technology and its impact on patients and society as a whole.

Access the digital issues

IJTAHC journal is now has a continuous publication approach at Cambridge University Press and is free to members of HTAi.

IJTAHC Digital Issues


Wendy Babidge

PhD, BApp Sci (Hons), Grad Dip Bus, FAIM, CPMgr, GAICD Director Research, Audit and Academic Surgery Division
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
199 Ward Street, North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia

Contact the Editor in Chief