
Plain Language Summaries to Support Patient Expert Input to HTA

Sep 20, 2024

To meaningfully contribute to the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) process, patient experts need a baseline of timely, clear and accessible information on the treatment being assessed. The quality and relevance of written and verbal submissions to HTA bodies are likely to improve if patient experts are better informed. To support this, a standard template to gather plain language information has been developed based on the Summary Information for Patients (SIP) template originated by the Scottish Medicines Consortium. This short webinar by the HTAi Patients and Citizens Involvement Group (PCIG) project on the implementation of the SIP will discuss how the use of plain language summaries in HTA can be introduced in other countries using the learnings and best practice from pilots by NICE in England and PBAC in Australia. It will be of interest for all stakeholders involved in HTA submissions and processes – HTA bodies, patient experts, manufacturers, and healthcare professionals. Join us in a collective aim to improve the availability of plain language summary information to support the timely, structured, and meaningful integration of patients’ insights into HTA evaluations.